Johnny. manages the social media channel of the womans 1st [...]
Our new creative space in the north of Hamburg. [...]
Johnny. coordinates the social media management of BK Retail. [...]
In his „German Sayings“ on Instagram, Matthias Schweighöfer literally translates [...]
Johnny. produced a dozen reels for the instagram channels of [...]
Johnny. produced the first season of a documentary series for [...]
The ENDO Rehazentrum – Experts for Orthopaedic RehabilitationPhysiotherapy, equipment training, [...]
Together with Joker Pictures, Johnny. did a weekly series for [...]
For the television station DMAX we discover the dark side [...]
So nice to see. The new Tellem perimeter advertising for [...]
Johnny. presents to you the new showreel. "Stories whipped by [...]
What would the world be like without semiconductors? Nicole Scott [...]